Liver: Facts, Health and management

The liver is a vital organ located in the upper portion of the abdominal cavity, responsible for various functions to keep the body's physiology normal. The healthy liver performs the following functions;

The liver detoxifies toxic substances, removes poisons and proportions such as alcohol and certain drugs.
Our liver is the site for glucose storage in form of glycogen. Excess glucose is converted by liver cells to glycogen when liver cells respond to insulin when blood sugars rise.  

synthesis of plasma proteins.

the filter of bilirubin concentrated in the blood.

production of bile responsible for emulsification. 

Therefore health status of the liver is important and should be watched out for, maintained to prevent the liver conditions from deteriorating since when the liver is damaged it will negatively impact liver physiology and one's health. 

Regular and not fulfilling the recommended consumption of alcohol and unhealthy dietary practices like fried foods high in saturated fats, regular eating of red, meat refined foods, and savoury dishes, may prevail the risk of liver complaints. 

Regular alcohol consumption without embracing the required amounts causes inflammation of the liver thus the damage induces the scarring called cirrhosis. when the liver is damaged the conditions worsen if proper care is not put and for that, the liver fails and losses its day-to-day functions.
Liver failure complications; 
When the liver fails it affects the body's physiology too. The individual with failed liver experiences appetite loss- desire to crave for food, as usual, reduces hence impacts one nutrient intake and health, blood in the stool caused by bleeding in the varicose veins oedema ascites which is fluid build in the abdomen, nausea, and vomiting.

 Liver damage can also be noticed when an individual has pale and yellow skin illustrating jaundice due to bilirubin concentration in the blood. Bilirubin concentration occurs when the liver affected fails to filter excess bilirubin from the bloodstream.
Keeping the Liver healthy; 
liver health is ensuring the liver is in good condition, normal functioning without infections and any related complications. 

Every individual will need a powerful liver to be robust since it's a corner of the metabolism of these three macronutrients; carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the body.

 The bile produced is liable for the breakdown of fats in the process known as emulsification, and its cells transform amino acids in protein foods to energy, this significance of the liver verifies that it's a hub for changing nutrients by its cells to the energy needed by the body to fuel itself.

Similarly, metabolizes alcohol, drugs, and cleans the medication and alcohol. Its eligible capacity to face toxic substances and breaks them down into less hazardous substances purifies the blood. Therefore it's necessary to stick to the allowed volume of alcohol and correct prescription for drugs.

Therapies and hints that help one attain healthy liver;

Eat acidic fruits such as citrus fruits like oranges and lemon juice which stimulate the liver and enzymes to help in detoxification, green leafy vegetables high in micronutrients and low in fats and calories to improve cholesterol levels.

Eat good and healthy fats - avoid saturated fats high in cholesterol. 

Maintain healthy body weight- overweight and obesity increase the chances of being hypercholesterolemia thus causing side effects to the liver.

Maintain hygiene and sanitation- other than eating healthy food and a balanced diet personal hygiene is of essence to prevent the acquiring of illnesses through coming in contact with pathogens such as viruses and bacteria.

Be physically active- exercise burns excess fats and calories to prevent accumulation in the body.
Get vaccinated - receive the hepatitis B virus vaccine to prevent contraction of the disease.
Limit and avoid alcohol and other illicit drugs since they play a negative role in damaging liver cells.
Nutritional solutions for a liver infection. 
Limit or avoid saturated fats better opt for unsaturated fats.
Consume fruits and vegetables, the likes of broccoli, spinach, grapes, and garlic, some of these fruits and vegetables are antioxidants that can prevent your liver cells from free radicals causing cancer.
Consume plant proteins to meet protein requirements instead of animal proteins like red meat which can worsen the symptoms of the sick liver.
Limit sodium intake to prevent oedema ascites which involves fluid retention. In the case of liver damage, being keen on your nutrients intake is vital, limiting some micronutrients, or macronutrients as explained by the food specialist and physician will perfect your well being.

Consume more complex carbohydrates, reduce and go further to ignore refined starches. 
Improving health starts with prevailing in obedient fame in your diet; as explained by your nutritionist(, or dietitian).

Refined foods are high in calories, cholesterol, and glycemic index, similarly, they increase blood glucose levels. However, the damaged liver cells may not perfectly regulate glucose hence may cause further problems.

 Furthermore, when the liver can convert the excess glucose, excess glucose can be restored as triglycerides which is still a burden to the ill liver. 

Therefore individuals are required to set priorities with their health experts on which oils and energy-giving foods to take. 

Eligible foods experts will approve the minimal use of liquid oil at room temperature and cereals abundant in fibre to regulate the blood glucose input.
Commit to limit and quit alcohol and cigar rates smoking. Smoking can execute symptoms thus affecting liver cells leading to hepatocellular carcinoma a liver cancer.
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