How smoking affects your health and food intake—Covid-19 period



Nobody wants to become addicted to smoking or to other abused drugs. However, repeated initiative to it causes a habit that someone finds it difficult to quit—even though it’s time to resign from it. In such a scenario, proper techniques should be brought in to figure it out—even if it’s a gradual ending of the dependent substance.


This article will explain:

  •  Why cigarette smoking is harmful in the reign of the COVID-19 virus and why committing to an end or limit is significant to one’s lung functions and health.
  • How smoking alters your nutrition—affects the bioavailability of some essential nutrients required during the COVID-19 virus period—getting crucial nutrients at this moment is important.
  • Measures to observe during the COVID-19 period: health and nutrition facts. Be healthy.


So, there are measures we need to take to be healthy in general.


Even though a lot of health journals and publications have talked in similar ways. Also read these—they come with some diverse knowledge put in.


Furthermore, a reasonable number could know that smoking causes lung functioning impairment; it causes diseases of the lungs like cancer of the lungs. It affects other parts of the respiratory system, including the bronchioles and the alveoli responsible for gaseous exchange. However, it is unknown whether the lung damage will affect other aspects of their health if they become infected.


Similarly, COVID-19 infection affects the respiratory system; the lungs and air sacs’ functions will be compromised. Thereon, smokers will find it a challenge to fight COVID-19. Instead, the severity of the condition increases, putting them at risk of losing their life. Similarly, they are likely to experience breathing difficulties due to damaged lung tissues caused by both the virus and the smoke; hence, the lungs find it difficult to exchange gases.


Furthermore, the reduced lung capacity can cause admission to ventilators for a long time in an ICU. Studies have suggested that smokers are at risk of contracting the virus among themselves by smoking in groups and sharing cigarette pieces, water pipes ( shisha), and saliva spits, which also tend to spread the deadly virus to others—not particularly to an isolated person.


How smoking alters your nutrition—affects the bioavailability of essential nutrients.

Smoking affects the bioavailability of vitamin C and D—these micronutrients are significant in improving immunity. Their deficiency due to smoking tobacco is bad for your well-being.


Smoking tobacco alters an individual’s appetite since the nicotine in the substance supplied to the brain whenever someone smokes suppresses and alters the person’s tastebuds—the ability to taste flavours. Henceforth, quitting smoking shows you made an incredible choice to improve your nutrition.


Maintain your health with these general measures.

Exercise: Exercise helps improve health in general. It keeps you active and boosts your immunity. It improves your circulation and gets rid of unwanted carbon dioxide through blood transportation—proper blood circulation makes sure that you also circulate back the pure gas to your system.


Wear masks: wearing masks helps limit the spread of the virus in public places where social distancing isn’t possible. Masks can limit the virus’ spread when people sneeze, cough, or speak—their dropping coughs and saliva will be impeded by the masked face.


Routinely clean and disinfect surfaces to maintain environmental cleanliness and to reduce viral survival. Cleaning infected surfaces with surfactants with cleaning properties kills the virus. Moreover, don’t forget to wash your hands whenever you eat to avoid eating germs along with your food.


Maintain self-hygiene: self-cleanness should be a voluntary action for all of us—cleaning parts of the body likely to come in contact with contaminated surfaces and our lovely ones.


Thereon, Wash your hands with soap or use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser. Washing with soap or using an alcohol-based hand sanitiser eradicates the virus.


Limit or commit to quitting smoking: 

For smokers, try gradually to limit and stop smoking since smoking is unhealthy. It causes imperfections in your respiratory system. Maintain ventilation by inspecting ventilation fans and exhaust fans. Maintain ventilation by keeping all entry points to the house open, including windows that allow fresh air from outside. Eat a balanced diet—including foods that boost immunity in your diet, such as vitamin C and E-rich foods. Vitamin C improves and initiates the activity of neutrophils.


Get vaccinated: By taking all of the doses recommended by your country’s health ministry, your body will be preparing to fight the same antigen as the virus if you become infected in the future. The vaccine is regarded as safe and not bad for any human body, despite being an antigen. It’s an immune advocate for your body to begin building and increasing the number of antibodies to battle the foreign protein(COVID-19 virus).



“Key points”


Resign from, or limit smoking substances that impair lung function—everyone needs a robust exchange system of gases at this time.


Optimal nutrition: everyone needs essential vitamins that protect the body’s line of defence. Even though you’re vaccinated, proper dieting is fine to support your body in the production of many antibodies or defence cells.


Hands and other body parts that come into contact with contaminated surfaces should be washed with approved soaps.


Mask yourself with the approved masks and resign from masking when announced by your nation.








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